Our Services

forest management Plans

Through analysis of timber stands and client objectives, Forestry Services Inc. (FSI) assists clients in writing land management plans, usually covering 10 years or more, that will help guide client decisions and meet their goals.

Using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and GPS (Global Positioning Systems) technology, we can create aerial, soil, topographic, and stand maps to strategically plan the best way to meet client objectives.

Timber Sales and appraisals

FSI can conduct a forest inventory, which will produce a detailed report of the client’s timber stands by listing the volume of timber by species, diameter class, and price per unit for each product class.

Forest inventory is important for timber and land sales, estate valuations, divisions, and basis calculations. We work in the client’s best interest to help analyze markets and forest inventory to make the best decision to meet their needs.


With client goals and objectives in mind, FSI creates a plan for reforestation, applying the latest advances in Silviculture, including tree genetics, herbicides, and growth and yield models. FSI secures and supervises the best site preparation and planting contractors, and searches out the best genetically improved seedlings on a tract-by-tract objective basis. We also do cost share applications to help cover the cost. In the long run, this attention to detail results in great timber investments and better wildlife habitat.


For pine stands 3-12 years old, FSI supervises Pre-Commercial Thinning (PCT) meaning that the trees that are cut are too small to sell vs. a commercial thinning.  PCT where needed gives trees room to grow right from the start by regulating the number, quality, distribution, and occasionally species of the remaining trees.

For pine stands 14-30 years old, FSI negotiates and supervises one or two Commercial Pulpwood Thinnings**, removing the smaller (defective, diseased, or suppressed) trees to improve the growth and value of the remaining trees.

For hardwood or mixed stands 10-25 years old, FSI supervises Crop Tree Release (an investment where needed and chosen by the client) to select and release the best trees for future growth.

For hardwood or mixed stands 18-40 years old, FSI negotiates and supervises Commercial Improvement Cuts, to select and release the best trees for future growth.

FSI marks the trees to be commercially thinned, depending on landowner objectives, along with the age, size, site, and stocking dynamics of any particular forest stand.

Hardwood Management

FSI creates a specialized management plan to promote the next generation of hardwood species on your property. By using different thinning regimes and often with the help of prescribed burning, we establish a well-developed understory of desirable species.


As a certified Tree Farm Inspector, FSI can certify forestland under the American Tree Farm System with the American Forest Foundation Standards of Sustainability and conduct ongoing inspections for recertification.

Prescibed Burning

Prescribed burning improves tree growth and wildlife habitat, controls “weed” tree species, and reduces the risk of wildfire. FSI coordinates and oversees prescribed burns in existing timber stands and recommends burning for reforestation where appropriate.


Forestry Services can manage your property to promote wildlife health and habitat. Depending on what you are trying to promote on your property, we can supply information and tips for managing timber stands to promote a variety of quality wildlife habitats.

FSI can also prepare, negotiate, and administer hunting leases with liability insurance with landowner input for tracts where clients desire an annual income stream.


With the proper site, FSI works with herbicides and raking contractors to optimize pine straw sale income, consistent with a healthy forest.